Xdinary Heroes (엑스디너리 히어로즈) - Hair Cut
Xdinary Heroes 2nd Mini Album [Overload]
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
One two three 또 어느새 자라난
One two three 又再次不知不覺長出的
불안한 생각이 날 삼켜 와
귓가에 맴도는 멜로디
불을 켜 두어도 어두컴컴한 방
即使開了燈 房間依舊漆黑
눈을 끔뻑여도 깜깜한 내 시야
即使眨眨眼 我的視野依舊一片漆黑
아무도 없는 건 분명한데
내 앞이 막힌 건 설명 안 돼
My mind is full of bad things
My mind is full of bad things
(내 맘이 내 맘대로 왜 안 돼)
보이질 않아 미쳐
什麼都看不見 真的瘋了
I gotta find the way out now
I gotta find the way out now
(더 이상 미치고 싶지 않아)
가윌 들고 싹둑 어둠을 잘라 싹둑
拿起剪刀喀嚓 剪去漆黑喀嚓
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
(Cut cut cut)
(Cut cut cut)
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
(Cut cut cut)
(Cut cut cut)
Cut it out 다 썰어 버려
Cut it out 全都切掉
Throw it out 다 털어 버려
Throw it out 全都拍掉
Time to let it go Time to let it blow
Time to let it go Time to let it blow
썩어 버린 것 다 Cut it out
腐爛的全部都 Cut it out
물과 기름 같이 세상과는 Unfit
就如同水油不容 我與這世界Unfit
변화를 추구하지만 여전히 변함없는 Outfit
雖然追求變化 但依舊沒有改變 Outfit
I don't want this style yeah
I don't want this style yeah
정신없는 Hair style yeah
瘋狂的Hair style yeah
눈 앞을 가린 검은 커튼이 세상을 검은색으로
My mind is full of bad things
My mind is full of bad things
(내 맘이 내 맘대로 왜 안 돼)
보이질 않아 미쳐
什麼都看不見 真的瘋了
I gotta find the way out now
I gotta find the way out now
(더 이상 미치고 싶지 않아)
가윌 들고 싹둑 어둠을 잘라 싹둑
拿起剪刀喀嚓 剪去漆黑喀嚓
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
(Cut cut cut)
(Cut cut cut)
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
(Cut cut cut)
(Cut cut cut)
이제 눈을 떠 봐 뭐가 보이니
現在睜開眼看看 有看見什麼嗎
이전과는 다른 기운이 느껴져
잘려 나간 순간 내 기억도 Out
在剪下的瞬間 我的記憶也跟著Out
빛이 들어와 눈이 부셔
光芒灑落而來 十分耀眼
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
(Cut cut cut)
(Cut cut cut)
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
Mmm- Get a haircut
(Cut cut cut)
(Cut cut cut)
Cut it out 다 썰어 버려
Cut it out 全都切掉
Throw it out 다 털어 버려
Throw it out 全都拍掉
Time to let it go Time to let it blow
Time to let it go Time to let it blow
썩어 버린 것 다 Cut it out
腐爛的全部都 Cut it out
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut
Get a haircut Get a haircut Get a haircut