Car the garden (카더가든) - Romantic Sunday (로맨틱 선데이)
海岸村恰恰恰 (갯마을 차차차) OST Part.1
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala It's a beautiful and shining day
lalalalalalala It's a beautiful and shining day
바람을 닮은 Melody 달콤한 휘파람 소리
與微風相像的Melody 甜蜜的口哨聲
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
파도가 멈추는 이 순간
눈부시게 빛나는 Sweet smile
耀眼發光的Sweet smile
꿈을 꾸듯 다가오는 환상의 Day and night
像是做夢一般到來的幻想的Day and night
Sing for this moment "샤랄랄라"
Sing for this moment "莎啦啦啦"
Singing my love "샤랄랄라"
Singing my love "莎啦啦啦"
어린 날 꿈처럼 기억할게 I'll remember again
我會像是年幼時的夢一般銘記在心的 I'll remember again
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala It's a beautiful and shining day
lalalalalalala It's a beautiful and shining day
손끝에 닿는 Memory 눈가에 내리는 Sunshine
觸及指尖的Memory 灑落在眼框的Sunshine
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
바람이 불어오는 순간
들려오는 새들의 Dream song
傳來了鳥群的Dream song
춤을 추듯 아지랑이 꽃피는 Sunny day
就像是在跳舞一般煙霧裊裊上升的Sunny day
Sing for this moment "샤랄랄라"
Sing for this moment "莎啦啦啦"
Singing my love "샤랄랄라"
Singing my love "莎啦啦啦"
어린 날 꿈처럼 기억할게 I'll remember again
我會像是年幼時的夢一般銘記在心的 I'll remember again
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala It's a beautiful and shining day
lalalalalalala It's a beautiful and shining day
바람을 닮은 Melody 달콤한 휘파람 소리
與微風相像的Melody 甜蜜的口哨聲
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala Romantic sunday
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
lalalalalalala All I need is your Love
Woo Woo Woo
Woo Woo Woo